Noted as a $133+ billion market, the global laundry detergent industry continues to play an important role in modern society. This underrated product maintains a spot in one’s laundry room at all times. However, there’s a subset of this market, which caters to a baby’s need for laundry detergent.
Here’s a detailed look into the best baby laundry detergent and how this type of detergent compares with regular variations.
Baby Laundry Detergent Vs Regular Detergents
1) Ingredients
Ingredients are an essential differentiator between baby laundry detergents and regular detergents. With traditional laundry detergents, the rules are relaxed in terms of potential dyes, chemicals, sulfates and their role in a formulation. Since adult skin is not as responsive to these chemicals, it’s easier to use those ingredients without repercussions. However, the same does not apply to baby laundry detergents. A young child’s skin will not have the same ability to handle such harsh chemicals and can end up getting irritated in seconds.
In general, the best baby laundry detergent needs to avoid the use of these ingredients and should be plant-based. This guarantees a smoother experience in line with one’s expectations.
2) Chemicals
Chemicals are one of the biggest factors in terms of regular detergents and how they interact with a person’s skin. As soon as the item goes into the wash, it begins to mix with these chemicals and this can be tremendously damaging to a baby’s skin. These chemicals can vary depending on the formulation but can lead to a devastating mix when used for a baby’s clothes. It’s best to avoid these types of formulations. Instead, it’s better to go with chemical-free variations.
3) Fragrances
Fragrances are often used in budget detergents in a bid to improve the overall scent. Unfortunately, these fragrances aren’t natural and end up worsening the situation with regards to a person’s skin. This can include redness, natural irritation, and various other side effects as soon as the item is put on.
With a baby’s skin, these issues can worsen and become unmanageable for weeks on end.
It’s best to go with a fragrance-free laundry detergent, which is the case with top-quality baby laundry detergents in this day and age.
4) Brighteners
Certain detergents make use of “brighteners,” which are designed to improve the colors of the washed item. For example, if a white t-shirt is washed with the use of this detergent, it will come out looking remarkably white in comparison to how it was beforehand. This can be beneficial to adults but damaging to young children. Their skin is sensitive and these brighteners are chemical-based.
The best baby laundry detergent isn’t going to have these brighteners in its formulation. Instead, natural ingredients are used to optimize the washing process for baby clothes. This is why plant-based laundry detergents are a great option.
5) Certified for Babies
The USDA is strict when it comes to the certification of baby laundry detergents and does its best to verify each formulation. This includes testing the products, certain ingredients, and how they mix with each other. It’s important to go with USDA-approved products as this can be easier on the baby’s skin as time goes on. Otherwise, several products are allowed to be sold, which can do a tremendous amount of harm to a baby’s health.
Going with a certified solution can be useful when it comes to buying a new baby laundry detergent. It ensures the formulation isn’t a risky buy.
6) Skin Irritants
The final difference between the best baby laundry detergent and its regular counterparts would be the use of skin irritants. A baby laundry detergent isn’t going to include ingredients that are classified as potential irritants. While these irritants don’t do a lot of damage to an adult’s skin, they can be harmful to babies.
As a result, it’s best to focus on eliminating the use of these irritants as soon as possible. There are many ways of doing this and it doesn’t only include laundry detergents. Several skincare products use these ingredients and it’s best to avoid them. By choosing baby-friendly products, it eliminates the risk associated with these irritants.
If these irritants are rubbed against a baby’s skin for long periods of time, it can have a damaging impact on their overall well-being. This is why approved baby products are a must over the long-run.
HE Vs Regular Detergents
With continuous advancements in technology, it’s become commonplace to see the use of “high-efficiency” detergents. These are specifically engineered formulations designed to work well with specific washing machines. It’s important to use these in situations where you may not have access to traditional baby laundry detergents.
It’s important to note, there’s a legitimate difference between high-efficiency detergents and regular detergents. Let’s take a look at some of these differences and why it’s important to consider all of your options in advance.
1) Machine-Friendly
High-efficiency detergents are machine-friendly. This means they can be used with specific washing machine brands without damaging the internal mechanisms of these brands. Anyone looking to manage their needs has to account for these details in advance. Otherwise, a regular laundry detergent may end up damaging the machine and leaving it worthless. There are several details to consider along the way but it’s always best to understand what the machine needs.
This can ensure the clothes are washed as intended.
2) Volume of Water
Studies have shown more water is used with the wrong type of laundry detergent. This has to do with how the formulation interacts with the machine’s mechanisms. When the machine realizes the detergent is not from the “high-efficiency” category, it needs to use additional water to make sure the washing is done properly.
This is bad for your energy setup as the machine needs to run longer to produce good results. Plus, it is also going to end up harming the clothes as more and more water is used to wash them.
This is why it’s incredibly important to know what works with the machine at home.
3) Ability to Clean Clothes
Sometimes, it’s as simple as your ability to clean clothes in a safe manner.
If the machine doesn’t correspond with the detergent, it’s going to end up hampering your chances of going through a load of laundry properly. Instead, excessive damages can take place, which is bad for the body and doesn’t bode well for how things work out over time. It’s essential to think about this as a way to clean clothes properly.
When the detergent is interacting with the machine, it is able to optimize everything while keeping the clothes as clean as possible. This is beneficial over time.
4) Longevity
A machine’s longevity is of utmost importance to you.
This is a major investment and it has to be treated with respect. Otherwise, it can get to the point where your machine doesn’t work the way it is supposed to and that can cause tremendous problems over time. The machine may start to break down and that is never a good sign! This is why HE laundry detergents continue to be an optimal option for those looking to find a well-rounded option for their machine. It’s going to vary with each machine but it’s important to look into this immediately.
5) Removal of Buildup in the Machine
The machine-related buildup is a part of life when it comes to the washing machine and it’s best to take care of this debris in advance. If the buildup is allowed to worsen, this is going to damage the machine and/or ruin how the clothes are washed. With baby clothes, this becomes doubly important to consider since the buildup is awfully damaging and isn’t going to be worth it.
Focus on this and the buildup will be long gone.
This is why HE detergents matter with specific washing machines.
Allergies and Laundry Detergents
Allergies are a major concern for parents and it’s important to look into all of your options well in advance. A baby is prone to aggressively reacting to these allergens in comparison to an adult, which is why it’s best to take action as soon as possible. This can be done in a number of ways, but it starts with the appropriate selection of laundry products. If not, this can become the number one reason for a child’s skin irritation and allergic reaction.
Here are some of the things a parent can consider as soon as it’s time to do laundry at home.
1) Sensitive Skin
With sensitive skin, babies end up on the wrong end of a chemical-ridden detergent. It’s important to go with a detergent that’s baby-friendly and will not impact their skin in a negative manner. This can happen with exposure to the irritating chemicals found in a formulation that’s traditionally used by adults.
When a baby’s skin reacts to the chemicals, they have an allergic reaction.
This reaction can lead to various symptoms including redness, itchiness, and pain depending on how long the exposure was. It’s important to use the right detergent for this reason alone. Otherwise, the skin is going to worsen and it becomes difficult for the baby to stay comfortable.
2) Dyes and Irritants
Allergies can happen due to the dyes put in various modern-day detergents. These dyes are used as a way to brighten clothes while making sure they’re kept as clean as possible during a washing cycle. However, the same dyes can turn into irritants because of their exposure to a baby’s skin.
While the clothes may appear safe at first, these dyes become a problematic issue as time goes on. It’s best to avoid using any laundry detergent that’s packed with these harsh dyes and irritants because of the potential side effects.
3) Regulations of “Hypoallergenic” Detergents
Several regulations are set up when it comes to detergents.
The USDA is committed to looking into the application of hypoallergenic detergents, which are designed to help avoid allergic reactions in babies. However, it’s important to keep in mind that traditional detergents toe the line of what’s allowed and what’s not while still using the “hypoallergenic” label on their packaging.
This is why it’s best to go through the ingredients to make sure they are legitimately chemical-free and aren’t going to harm the skin after the clothes are washed.
This is where research comes in handy.
How to Properly Do Laundry
Want to learn how to do laundry the proper way with baby clothes?
This is one of those learned skills that take time to master and it’s important to put your best foot forward. It’s not easy to look past traditional ways of washing, which may have been okay with adult-only clothes. However, the same doesn’t apply to baby clothes where the wearer is going to have delicate skin.
As a result, it’s best for parents to learn how to do laundry in a way where it doesn’t hamper the baby’s quality of life or irritates their skin. Here are some of the most important tips to follow with your next load of laundry.
1) Use the Best Baby Laundry Detergent
To get started, the first step involves doing your research and buying the best possible baby laundry detergent. There are various options on the open market but it always comes down to your budget and ability to look at different brands. Weigh all of the options based on their pros and cons before buying a product. This is the only way to feel safe about what your money is going into and how well it is going to work with your baby’s clothes.
This is the most important change a parent can make with regards to doing the laundry.
2) Separate Adult and Baby Clothes
Doing separate loads is a smart decision as a parent even if it’s going to take more time on your part. This has to do with the mixture of chemicals that are employed with different clothes. Plus, you don’t want to expose a baby’s clothes to potential bacteria that were sitting on your clothes before they were put into the washing machine.
Stay on top of this and make sure to do separate loads when it is time to start up the washing machine. This is the best way to stay safe.
3) Focus on Plant-Based Products Only
Plant-based laundry detergents have become a major success in the open market when it comes to baby laundry detergents. This has to do with how they are formulated and how well they work for babies. The clothes are washed with the help of these detergents and they don’t fill them up with unnecessary or harsh chemicals.
As noted before, those chemicals are bad for a baby’s skin and can act as tremendous irritants over the long-term. As a result, it’s better to make use of plant-based products that are focused on making use of appropriate organic ingredients in their formulations.
4) Remove Stains in Advance
Stains are a part of life for baby clothes and that is something parents will be well aware of within a few days. Whether these stains involve urine, feces, food, or even saliva, it’s important to tackle them head-on. You don’t want to toss these clothes into the washing machine in the hopes everything will be taken care of.
This is setting a dangerous precedent in terms of how those clothes are washed and how well they are washed.
A washing machine may not be able to work away at those stains. This is why it is important to take out a separate vinegar-based mixture to rub out these stains before putting them into the machine.
5) Use Color Catchers
Color catchers are a neat addition to any laundry room because they’re easy to use and work well on a baby’s clothes. The idea of these color catchers is to make sure a baby’s clothes don’t lose their natural color after being put through the wash. This happens all the time and the faded color is never a good look.
Luckily, these color catchers are a good option especially if you take the time to look out for natural variations that are baby-friendly.
6) Use a Diaper Sprayer
Dealing with feces is something every parent has to navigate around. If you are making use of cloth diapers, it becomes important to invest in a world-class diaper sprayer as soon as you can. This is one of the most essential investments a parent can make and it should be done as soon as possible.
The purpose of a diaper sprayer is to make sure you can quickly wash away the top layer of feces into the toilet. Putting the soiled cloth diaper directly into the washing machine is unacceptable and is going to lead to several bacteria-related concerns.
7) Don’t Use Fabric Softeners
Fabric softeners have been around for a long time and are often seen as an added step in a washing cycle. While these may be okay for adult clothes and add value to the washing process, it’s not the same with baby clothes. A baby’s skin isn’t going to react well to these fabric softeners and what they do to their clothes.
To stay safe and make sure you are not taking undue risks, it is best to make use of traditional washing methods without the help of fabric softeners.
This will ensure the clothes don’t end up becoming a health risk.
8) Fasten the Bibs
Bibs tend to be washed along with the baby’s clothes and that’s common in most households. However, it’s best to fasten those bibs instead of letting them dangle around in the washing machine.
Why is this important during the laundry cycle?
It has to do with making sure the bib doesn’t snag onto something in the washing machine causing unnecessary damage to the item and/or the machine itself. Instead, you want to keep the bibs fastened as this will allow the detergent to go to work without causing issues in how well the clothes are washed.
This is a good step to learn as soon as the laundry process begins because it will come in handy with young children.
9) Do Smaller Loads
With babies, it is going to become essential to do smaller loads. The purpose of smaller loads is to keep clothes as clean as possible without having to spend hours with a larger load.
You are able to run the smaller load within 30 minutes and still have time to do other things. A smaller load will also ensure the laundry detergent can work as it is supposed to without coming up short. This is why your approach to washing clothes is just as important as what you wash them with.
10) Use the Sun to Your Advantage
How are you going to be drying a baby’s clothes after they have been washed?
Traditional instructions often include the use of drying machines, which are bad for the clothes and also the baby’s skin. They can end up removing all of the moisture in an unnatural manner. To avoid doing this, the right option is to look at hanging your clothes out under the sun. The sun is a powerful natural dryer and is going to soak up the moisture in a safe way. This is far better than having the clothes go through a robust dryer.
In places where the sun is always out, this becomes a no-brainer!
These are the qualities to consider when it’s time to find and buy the laundry detergent on the market. It’s best to focus on the pros and cons while weighing all of your options. This can help put together a list of options based on what’s required for your baby’s laundry needs. Each situation is going to differ based on how the clothes are washed but good laundry detergent is vital. Without a good detergent, it’s impossible to do a good load of laundry without irritating a baby’s skin over the long-term. Instead of taking this type of risk, start with good baby-friendly laundry detergent.