The Best Push Broom to Clean Up Dog Hair
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A push broom is a necessary staple in every household with a dog. At least once a week, it’s important to take a broom to all of your hard flooring, porches and balconies to clear them of your dog’s hair. However, even the best brooms wear down over time. Should this happen to you, you’ll need to invest in a new broom to keep your house tidy.
Of course, finding a broom suitable for picking up fine pet hair isn’t easy. The last thing you want to do is pick up the cheapest broom you can buy; doing this guarantees you’ll end up missing fur as you sweep. Putting a little extra money down on a high-quality broom goes a long way. That being said, here are some of the best brooms designed to pick up your dog’s dander. We’ve thoroughly tested each broom listed here for four key attributes.