The Best Shelf Organizers

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Ben has over a decade of experience in cleaning projects of all types along the entire eastern seaboard of the United States. Ben’s formal training and certifications in cleaning include the AMRT (Applied Microbial Remediation Technician), WRT (Water restoration technician), CCT (Carpet Cleaning technician), as well as several other certifications from the IICRC. Ben has managed teams involved in cleaning projects around the United States. Ben’s passion for cleaning and leading teams goes back as far as he can remember.
The Cleaning Institute

Shelf organizers are an effective and inexpensive way of maximizing cabinet space. Their versatile nature allows you to configure as few, or as many, as you need to get all of your kitchen items stacked and put in order while taking up as little space as possible. We’ve identified several shelf organizers that will work wonders in any home. Our number one pick is the Seville Classics Expandable Kitchen Counter and Cabinet Shelf because it is easily adjustable, both with regards to stacking and expansion. It offers you many different configurations for your organizing needs. The SimpleHouseware Expandable Stackable Kitchen Cabinet and Counter Shelf Organizer is another great option, due to its ability to stack and support the weight of heavier items, like pots and pans. It is also safe to consider the DecoBros Stackable Kitchen Cabinet Organizer as another option because it comes in a twin pack, allowing you the ease of doubling up on space straight out of the packaging. It is also aesthetically pleasing, so you don’t have to keep it hidden behind closed doors.