The Best Chest for Dog Toys

Expert BioExpert Bio

Ben’s formal training and certifications in cleaning include the ASD (Advanced Structural Drying), AMRT (Applied Microbial Remediation Technician),
WRT (Water restoration technician), CCT (Carpet Cleaning technician), and bio hazard cleanup, as well as several other certifications from the IICRC. Ben has managed teams involved in cleaning projects around the United States. Ben’s passion for cleaning dates all the way back to keeping his rugby gear tidy while a young lad. Ben holds an undergraduate degree from Oxford, a Master’s degree from Oxford, and a mountain of hands on experience at the school of hard knocks.
The Cleaning Institute

Lurking in every crack and crevice around your home is one of the biggest contributors to clutter of all time – dog toys. We’ve all been there – no matter how many toys you throw out, they seem to reappear to take over every inch of floor and cabinet space. Not to fear though – we can help you find the perfect solution to your action figure conundrum. We scoured the market to find the picture perfect chest for dog toys that will not only provide a clever hideaway, but that will also add style to your home. All of our expectations were met when we stumbled upon the Otto & Ben Storage Ottoman. What a find! It has plenty of space neatly disguised as a modern footrest or bench. We should also mention 3 Sprouts Kids Toy Chest, which offers function and is cute as a button. Let’s not forget our environmentally friendly favorite option, OrganizerLogic Burlap Basket. No matter what your budget or home needs, we have your back.