If you’re price-conscious, you’ll notice that vacuums that are marketed to be HEPA-certified or to have HEPA filters are more expensive compared to non-HEPA vacuums. Are they worth it? That depends on whether or not your home requires you to have one. So, who really needs a HEPA vacuum?
Having pets can really make your home a happier one but there’s no denying that pets contribute so much to the daily dirt we accumulate in our houses, thanks in part to their shedding fur and dander that inevitably comes with owning a pet. Thankfully, pet dander is one of the things that HEPA vacuums are expertly intended to capture (along with other particles of the same size). If you have a pet at home, you might be a great beneficiary of HEPA vacuums.
People with allergies
Allergies are quite common and most people’s allergies are often always triggered by something they eat or something they breathe. Living with allergies is tough (and expensive!). What’s more, is that allergy attacks are often unpredictable since you can’t control everything around you. If your allergies are triggered by dust, you might want to consider getting a HEPA vacuum. These do a better job of capturing and trapping allergens compared to non-HEPA vacuums. Of course, it won’t cure you of your allergy but it will definitely help keep your allergies in check, especially when used with other air-purifying tools.
People with respiratory issues
Aside from people who suffer from allergies, people that have respiratory issues can benefit greatly from HEPA vacuums, too. A HEPA vacuum traps most of the particles that trigger respiratory issues.